Dynamics Seminar on by Nick Lindemulder on 18th of October

On Wednesday 18th of October at 4pm in the MathLab, Nick Lindemulder (Nijmegen) will give an Amsterdam Dynamics seminar.
The talk will take place in the Maryam seminar room (9A-46) and everyone is welcome to join for drinks at Bar Boele after the talk.
Title: Sobolev regularity for singular-degenerate porous medium type equation
Abstract: Motivated by mathematical models for biofilm growth, we consider Cauchy problems for quasilinear parabolic equations where the diffusion coefficient has a degeneracy of porous medium type as well as a singularity. We discuss results on the well-posedness and Sobolev regularity of solutions. The proofs rely on m-accretive operator theory and averaging lemmas. This is based on joint work with Stefanie Sonner.