The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications

The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications

Bespoke numerical methods for neurobiological networks may have a deep impact on our understanding of the brain, but the interplay between numerical analysis and computational or experimental neuroscience is still greatly unexplored.

This workshop aims to create an international network of researchers focused on developing numerical methods for simulating brain processes and inferring parameters or states. We are bringing these experts together with scientists who specialize in general data assimilation methods and uncertainty quantification, both within and outside the field of neuroscience.

Dates, venue, and registration

The workshop, co-organised by Daniele Avitabile and Svetlana Dubinkina (VU Amsterdam), will be held at the Amsterdam Centre for Dynamics and Computation on the 21-23 October 2024.

Registration to the event will be mandatory, and will be open in due course.

Confirmed participants

Programme, titles and abstracts can be found on this page
