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Paper on synchronisation in hypernetworks accepted in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Paper on synchronisation in hypernetworks accepted in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
A hypernetwork with six hyperedges that supports reluctant synchrony breaking.

The paper "Hypernetworks: cluster synchronisation is a higher-order effect" (arXiv link) by Sören von der Gracht (University of Paderborn), Eddie Nijholt (Imperial College London) and Bob Rink (VU Amsterdam) was accepted for publication in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics this week. The paper investigates sychronisation in dynamical systems with a non-pairwise interaction structure (so-called "hypernetworks"). Such systems can model, e.g., peer pressure in social networks and catalysed chemical reactions. We proved that synchronisation is a much more delicate phenomenon in hypernetworks than in classical networks: it is governed by the nonlinear terms in the equations of motion. We also found a new type of synchrony breaking bifurcations in hypernetworks. The paper will be presented at ICIAM Tokyo (20-25 August 2023).